Friday, March 15, 2024

    5 easy tips for choosing a personal injury attorney in Lexington

    You have suffered an injury because of someone’s irresponsible behavior in Lexington and are looking for help. While you can file a claim on your own, seeking legal expertise is always a good idea. Contrary to what many people believe, hiring a lexington personal injury attorney doesn’t have to be expensive. Such cases are usually handled on a contingency fee, and therefore, until you win, the lawyer cannot demand a fee. If you have never hired a lawyer in the past, here are five easy tips you need.

    1. Skip the guarantees. When you look for lawyers and meet them in person, make sure to consider their approach. Yes, injury attorneys know what it takes to fight such claims and lawsuits, but they cannot guarantee an outcome. If a lawyer promises an exact sum or wants to inflate your injuries and losses to get you a higher settlement, they are certainly not the right person.
    2. Look for a dedicated focus on personal injury law. A lawyer who is a jack of all trades but a master of none is not the right fit for your case. Make sure to choose a law firm that focuses on personal injury lawsuits and has been around in Lexington for at least a while. Check the number of lawyers that work with the firm and if they have the resources to take your case.
    3. Don’t miss the fee structure. As we mentioned, an injury attorney will only take a fee when you win, and while this is a great arrangement and allows you to seek expertise for your case, ensure that you check the fee structure. Most lawyers will charge 33% of the recovered settlement, but this could be higher for some cases.
    4. Check social media and online reviews. It is best to hire an injury attorney who has good reviews online. Social media sites, reviews on Google, and other relevant websites can come in handy for comparing the options. Also, when you meet an attorney, ask for a few references in your city.
    5. Ask about trial experience. Claims are usually settled with the insurance companies, but some matters end up in court. Find an injury attorney who has credible experience in handling trials, and not all lawyers can say that. You need a lawyer ready to be aggressive when the case demands.

    Call the right injury attorney soon to grab the situation and gather the necessary information.

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