Friday, March 15, 2024

    ILR after 5 years of staying on a sole representative visa

    A sole representative visa route allows the particular individual to come to the UK with an aim to establish a branch or subsidiary owned by his/her employer overseas.

    The sole representative visa is beneficial in many ways, it allows a sole representative who has been sent by the parent company to the UK to get settled(get ILR) and bring their dependents along. This eventually can help them seek British citizenship and make the UK their home country.

    Meeting continuous residence

    An uncompromising requirement for gaining Indefinite leave to remain in the UK is to fulfill continuous residence. The sole representative visa allows you to stay in the UK for 3 years initially, thereafter before its validity expires, you can renew it for an additional 2 more years.

    If you have continuously lived in the UK for 5 years or more, you will be able to qualify for Indefinite Leave to Remain.

    Proving continuous residence

    You need to prove continuous residence on your sole representative visa. You need to prove that you have not resided outside the UK for more than 450 days in your 5 years qualifying period of residence.

    You need to prove your English language proficiency and clear the Life in the UK test along with a list of other requirements. You must fulfill financial requirements to be eligible for ILR UK.


    You need the following documents as a part of your ILR application as a sole representative.

    • Certificate of English proficiency
    • Certificate of the Life in the UK test
    • Your income statements to support your financial status
    • Your valid passport
    • Proof of your current visa status, which is sole representative visa details and status.
    • Other documents may be required as per the complexity of your ILR application. The Home office will reach out to you if it is needed.

    Application and fee requirements

    You need to make sure that the ILR application is made online(SET(O) and the correct documents are uploaded.

    You also need to pay a fee of £2,389 and £19.20 for your biometrics information.

    There is also a possibility to choose priority and super priority based applications.

    It costs £800 for super priority and £500 for priority, if eligible.

    Priority service can process your application within 5 days and super priority can process your application in one days time.

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    Benefits of having ILR

    ILR can have many benefits. The foremost is that you are able to live, study and work in the UK without having to worry about immigration restrictions.

    You can also bring your children and spouse or partner in the UK to settle with you.

    Your partner or spouse can join you on a spouse visa and your children can join you on a family(dependent) visa.

    To be able to enjoy the continued benefit as an ILR holder, you must not stay outside the UK for more than 2 years.

    You must in every way ensure that you have taken assistance from UK immigration experts. A Y & J Solicitors can help you with Indefinite leave to remain application with their bespoke visa and immigration services. Stay Connect with our UK Immigration blog.

    Author Bio: Hi, I’m Pooja and I’m a passionate Blogger, Freelancer, Writer, and Digital Marketer. and I love tech stuff and games. Gembells, Hotmaillog.

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